I had my ultrasound on Tuesday morning and it was such a neat experience! Dallas was able to come with me and I was so delighted that we were able to share that experience together. I had a great ultrasound technician who explained everything we were looking at. I was 18 1/2 weeks at the time of the ultrasound and it was unbelieveable to see how developed she already is. We saw her little face and nose, and could even see her opening and closing her mouth! We saw the outline of her entire little body and noticed that she has great, big feet! The technician was surprised at how big her feet are for her age... almost an inch long! I think she is going to be tall like her daddy :). The technician said that based on her measurements my due date could be moved up about a week, but because I had an ultrasound at around six weeks they probably will not change it... so that means she is very healthy, which is a HUGE relief to me since I was so sick for so long! Dallas and I were waiting patiently to find out what the sex was and when she said she saw girl parts we were both a little surprised!! We both had kind of a blank look on our faces, looked at each other and then just started laughing. We are so thrilled and excited for our little baby girl!!! It's so much fun being able to call her "her" and say "she"! She is very active and I feel her all the time now, which is so neat! I already love this little girl so much and I can't wait to see her in a few months! Here are the pictures from the ultrasound.... I was sad we weren't able to get digital copies, so you'll have to deal with the scanned copies instead!
Her first photo shoot:
Here is a shot of her big, little feet! The heel is where the little star to the left is and her toes reach all the way to the star on the right! (the dots that you can see more are actually bones in her foot-- the "metatarsals"). How cute!
Here is her darling little profile. Her knees are bent in to her chest, so it looks like she still has a little "tail," but if you look closely you can see her little thigh and where her knee bends. Her calf kinda disappears in the photo.
Look at her long fingers!
And last, but not least... confirmation that she is in fact a girl! ... No boy parts here!